Land covers

Current landcovers exist in digital form and allow us to assess the current state of vegetation and its changes

Global landcovers

Copernicus land cover 100 m. In addition to landcover, Copernicus database contains other layers that may be useful for assessing ecosystem services (productivity, LAI leaf area index, NDVI, soil water index, etc.)

ESA, 10 m

GLAD Maryland University, 10 m. This landcover shows a gradation of tree cover and height, which can be useful for assessing the health of ecosystems and ecosystem services.

ESRI landcover 10 m

Other landcovers:
– Actual forest cover map provided by GIZ: Forest Cover of Armenia Based On Remote Sensing Methodology. For the first time reliable data (with 96% of accuracy) have been obtained on the forest cover of Armenia. Remote sensing results demonstrate that the whole forested area of RA (309,424 ha) incorporates 33,987 ha less than what state official data indicate (343,411 ha). 22,908 ha of forests have been discovered, which
are registered in the state cadaster not forests (hay fields, pastures, etc.). The total forest cover of RA has been measured to be 11.1%, which is equal to 332,332 ha.